Our School Nurse


Nan Herow, the school nurse, handles any illness or medical emergency that may occur during the school day. At the start of each school year, parents are asked to complete an emergency form noting home and work phone numbers. Also required are the phone numbers of nearby friends or relatives who will be willing to take responsibility if the child is ill or injured and the parent cannot be reached. In an emergency, if neither parent is available, the family physician or school medical adviser will be called. Please update your child’s medical status throughout the year by providing current medications, recent immunizations, injuries, allergies, surgeries or other health concerns.      

If your child will be absent due to illness, travel or family obligation, please notify the school either in writing or by phone. This can be done by calling the elementary office at 435-9871, the middle school office at 435-4509, or my direct line at 435-0254. You may leave a message on my voice mail. Failure to report an absence must be recorded as an unexcused absence.

At the beginning of each school year, a request form for Acetaminophen is sent home for parent signature. All other medication, either prescription or over-the-counter, must have a completed authorization form from both the parent and the physician. This is needed at the beginning of each school year and any time there is a change in dosage or medication.

Please note the following:

  • Medication must be delivered by an adult to the school nurse.
  • Medication must be in its original container from the pharmacy properly labeled with the name, dosage, strength, expiration and directions for administration.
  • All medication will be administered by the school nurse or appropriate staff.
  • Middle school students with asthma may carry and administer their own inhaler once the school nurse determines their ability to do so correctly. Elementary school students with asthma will have their inhalers stored in the health office and will be supervised during administration.
  • All medications which are not picked up by the parent at the end of the school year will be disposed of.

All children are screened yearly for height, weight, hearing and vision. Students in grades five through eight will also be screened for scoliosis. Parents will be notified in writing of abnormal findings. A referral form will be attached and should be returned to school with recommendations from the physician for follow-up treatment.

Reporting Student Absences

Reporting Student Absences

Click here for absence form

Please review the absence and tardy guidelines. NOTE: This year we are moving to electronic absence reporting. Please use the linked form to report absences for your child(ren). The form should be submitted instead of phoning or emailing the main office/nurse. Of course, Nurse Nan is available to answer questions or to discuss medical concerns related absences at any time.