Bus and Transportation Information
Bus Schedule
Please take a careful look at our bus routes this year. Your child may not ride the same bus as last year. If there is not a specific time listed next to a stop figure roughly the time in between the times give before and after.
If you have any questions, please call Pat Stevens at 435-9871.
Bus Route 26 | Bus Route 27 |
Bus Route 28 | Bus Route 29 |
Bus Route Pre-K |
Transportation and School Drop-off/Pick-up Procedures 2024-2025
Drop-off/Pick-up Procedures:
The main entrance for the elementary school building is the lower parking lot entrance. There will be no entry directly into the traffic circle. We ask that you follow all the traffic signs when driving through the campus. Please remember that parking is not permitted on either traffic circle and that there should be a single line of traffic during drop-off and pick-up times. For safety reasons, please do not pass the car in front of you unless directed by the staff. As you can imagine, teachers who are assigned to help manage student arrival and dismissal are uncomfortable reminding you of these rules, so we rely on all of you to please help us by doing your part. If there are problems or questions, please contact Stephanie Magyar.
Grade 1-5 Drop Off:
If you are dropping off your child, please plan to arrive in the main traffic circle at 8:30am. There will be a staff member present to help direct your child to their assigned entrance. Once again we are asking parents of children in Grade 1-5 to stay in your vehicle at drop off.
Teachers will be outside to greet students on the first day of school and guide them to their classrooms.
PK-EK-K Drop Off:
If you are dropping off your PK-EK-K child and need to assist them in getting out of the car, please plan to park in the “student assisted drop off” area and walk your child up the path to the overhang where a staff member will assist you. There is no parking in the bus circle or on the grass adjacent to that area.
Please note the times listed above for when students will be marked as tardy to school. In grades EK-5, morning meetings will begin promptly at 8:40am. In grades 6-8, homeroom begins at 8:25am and academic class starts shortly after. Students must be in their homeroom for attendance and breakfast/lunch orders. It is crucial that all students are in the building and ready to begin by these times.
Walkers: Please plan to arrive at 8:30am. There will not be adult supervision before that time.
Pick Up: PK-5 pick up will continue to be at the main traffic circle at 3:10pm. Students waiting will be monitored by staff. Again, we are asking parents to stay in your vehicle for pick up when at all possible. If you need to assist your child with getting into the car or buckling a car seat, please park in the parent parking area and come up to pick up your child.
Middle School
Walkers/Drop Off: Please plan to arrive at 8:25am. Please remember that parking is not permitted at the traffic circle and that there should be a single line of traffic during drop-off and pick-up times. Students should go directly into the middle school through the main front door. Students will enter the building and head directly to their homeroom.
Pick Up: Please plan to pick up your student at 3:05pm. Vehicles will pull into the middle school circle and remain in a single file for pick up. Please remain in your cars at pick up as students are dismissed through the front entrance of the middle school. We appreciate your patience during this time as we dismiss your students.
*Please remember we will not have staff supervision before the drop off times listed above.
Middle School
Please plan to pick up your student at 3:05pm. Vehicles will pull into the middle school circle and remain in a single file for pick up. Please remain in your cars at pick up as students are dismissed through the front entrance of the middle school. We appreciate your patience during this time as we dismiss your students.
Transportation Note
Below is a link for transportation notes. Our policy states that any bus, pick-up, or walker changes need to be in writing and to the office no later than 12 noon. Middle school students must follow the same procedures and hand in their note to Mrs. Dunlavey in the Middle School office. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Stevens in the elementary office.
Cancellations, Delays, Dismissals
It is important for you to know:
• The decision on cancellation or delay is made between 4:00 a.m. and 5:30 a.m.
• Early dismissal decisions are made by 11:00 a.m.
• The decision is communicated to radio and TV stations as soon as it is made. You will be able to learn if schools are delayed, cancelled or being dismissed early, by tuning in to any of the nine radio stations or television stations covering the region and the State or your local channels (WTIC, WKZE, WZBG, WQQQ, WSBS, WDAQ/WLAD, WTNH-TV8, WFSB-TV3 and WVIT-TV30).
• All delays will be 2 hour in length, if a delay is determined to be the best course of action for the day.
• The parent is the best judge of the conditions in your neighborhood or on your hill or road. Please know that if you do not think it is safe to send your child on the bus then you should use your best judgment in making that decision. Road conditions can vary extremely on roads and hills in our 275 square mile region.
• All available town road crews are consulted about each town’s road conditions, as are the CT State Police, and the State road crew.
• Please understand the safety of our children is the reason why school is cancelled or delayed. We do what we can to make the most appropriate call for conditions.