Board Policy Book
Board of Education
Policy Book
0000 Series - Mission, Goals, Philosophy
1000 Series - Community Relations
- 1100 Communications with the Public
- 1110.1 Parent Involvement
- 1112.5 Media Access to Students
- 1114 School-Sponsored Social Media
- 1120 Public Participation at BOE Meetings
- 1140 Distribution of Materials by Students
- 1210 Parent Teacher Organization
- 1212 School Volunteers
- 1212R School Volunteer Regulations
- 1220 Citizens Advisory Committees
- 1222 Citizen Assistance to School Personnel
- 1250 Visits to the School with Regulation
- 1312 Public Complaints
- 1314 Gifts To The School
- 1322 Contest for Students
- 1324 Soliciting Funds From and By Students
- 1325 Advertising and Promotion
- 1330 Use of School Facilities
- 1330R Use of School Facilities Regulation
- 1411 Law Enforcement Officials
- 1411R Relations with Law Enforcement Officials
- 1700 Otherwise Lawful Possession of Firearms
2000 Series - Administration
- 2000.1 Board-Superintendent Relationship
- 2000.1A Board-Superintendent Relationship Appendix A
- 2001 Participatory Management
- 2100 Administrative Staff Organization
- 2112 Professional Development
- 2121 Line of Responsibility
- 2131 Superintendent of Schools
- 2132 Assistant Superintendent
- 2133 Principal
- 2210 Administrative Leeway in Absence of Board Policy
- 2300 Statement of Ethics for Administrators
- 2400 Evaluation Appendix A
- 2400 Evaluation Appendix B
- 2400 Evaluation Appendix C
- 2400 Evaluation of Administrators and Administration
- 2400R Evaluation of Administrators and Administration Regulation
- 2500 Administrative Reports
3000 Series - Business
- 3110 Budget Planning
- 3120 Budget Development
- 3152 Spending Public Funds
- 3160 Transfer of Funds Between Categories
- 3171.1 Non-Lapsing Education Fund
- 3210 Local Funds
- 3260 Obsolete Equipment, Books, etc...
- 3280 Gifts, Grants and Bequests
- 3281 School Fundraisers
- 3313 Relations With Vendors
- 3320 Purchasing Procedures
- 3323 Soliciting Prices Bidding Requirements
- 3324 Ordering Good and Services
- 3326 Paying for Goods and Services
- 3326.3 BOE Credit Card
- 3434 Periodic Audits
- 3435 Fraud Prevention and Investigation
- 3440 Inventories
- 3511 Compliance with 504 Regulations
- 3516.12 Asbestos Control
- 3516.4 Sex Offender Notification
- 3516.5 Sex Offenders on School Property
- 3517 Security of Buildings and Grounds
- 3520.11 Electronic Information Security
- 3520.1 Data Security in Schools
- 3520.13 Student Data Protection and Privacy
- 3524.1 Pesticide Application
- 3541 Transportation
- 3541.44 Privately Owned Vehicles
- 3541.5 Safety Complaints, Records, Reports
- 3542.22 Food Service Personnel
- 3542.31 Free Reduced Price Lunches
- 3542.33 Food Sales Other Than NSLP
- 3542.34 Nutrition Program
- 3542.42 Professional Standards for Food Service Personnel
- 3542.43 Food Service Charging Policy
- 3543.31 Electronic Communication
4000 Series - Professional Personnel
- 4000.1/4200.1/5145.44 Sexual Harassment/Title IX
- 4111.1 Equal Opportunity Employment
- 4111.1/4211 Recruitment & Selection
- 4112 Appointment Certified
- 4112.5/4212.5 Security Check/Fingerprinting with Regulation
- 4112.51/4212.51 Reference Checks
- 4112.6/4212.6 Personnel Records
- 4112.61/4212.61 Disclosure of Employee Information
- 4112.8/4212.8 Nepotism
- 4113.12 Minimum Duty-Free Lunch Periods for Teachers
- 4115 Evaluation and Support Program
- 4115.3 Evaluation of Athletic Coaches
- 4117.4 Non Renewal_Suspension Certified
- 4117.5 Termination of Employment
- 4118.11 Nondiscrimination - Personnel
- 4118.112/4218.112 Sexual Harassment
- 4118.13/4218.13 Conflict of Interest
- 4118.14/4218.14 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of a Disability
- 4118.22 Code of Ethics
- 4118.231/4218.231 Prohibition of Smoking, Vaping, Drinking & Drugs
- 4118.234/5141.231 Psychotropic Drug Use
- 4118.237 Face Masks Coverings
- 4118.241/4218.24 Student Non-Fraternization
- 4118.4/4218.4 Electronic Mail
- 4118.5/4218.5 Acceptable Computer Network Use
- 4118.51/4218.51 Social Networking
- 4121 Substitute Teachers Certified
- 4131 Staff Development Certified
- 4148/4218 Employee Protection
- 4152.6/4252.6 Family & Medical Leave Act
- 4212.42 Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers
- 4213.6 Remote Work Telecommuting Teleworking
- 4222 Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals
5000 Series - Students
- 5111 Admission Placement
- 5112 Ages of Attendance/Admissions/Placement
- 5113 Attendance/Excuses/Dismissal - Students
- 5113.2 Truancy
- 5114 Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process
- 5118 Resident and Non-Resident Attendance
- 5118.1 Homeless Students
- 5123 Promotion/Retention
- 5125 Student Records/Confidentiality
- 5125.11 Health & Medical Records
- 5131.6 Administrative Guidelines: RE Alcohol, Drugs, etc
- 5131.6 Alcohol Use Drugs Tobacco
- 5131.7 Weapons and Dangerous Instruments
- 5131.81 Cellular Phones/Electronic Communication Devices
- 5131.911 CT School Climate Policy Statement
- 5141.21 Administering Medication
- 5141.213 Opioid Overdose Prevention
- 5141.213 Psychotropic Drug Use
- 5141.4 Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect and Sexual Assault
- 5141.4 Regulation For Abuse, Neglect, Sexual Assault
- 5141.5 Suicide Prevention and Intervention
- 5141.8 Face Masks/Coverings
- 5144.1 Restraint and Seclusion
- 5144.1R Regulation for Restraint and Seclusion
- 5144.2 Use of Exclusionary Time Out Settings
- 5144.4 Physical Exercise and Discipline of Students
- 5145.14 On Campus Recruitment
- 5145.44/4000.1/4200.1 Sexual Harassment/Title IX
- 5145.5 Exploitation Sexual Harassment w/Regulation
- 5145.511 Exploitation: Sexual Harassment
6000 Series - Instruction
- 6114.8 Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness
- 6114.8R Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Regulations
- 6115 Ceremonies and Observances
- 6141.323 Internet Acceptable Use Filtering
- 6141.51 Advanced Courses or Programs, Eligibility Criteria for Enrollment
- 6141.52 Challenging Curriculum
- 6142.10 Physical Activity and Discipline
- 6142.101 Wellness Policy
- 6148 FAFSA Completion Program
- 6159 Individualized Education Program/Special Education Program
- 6162.51 Surveys of Students Student Privacy
- 6163.1 Selection of School Library Material
- 6164.12 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS
- 6172.1 Gifted & Talented Program
- 6172.61 Distance Education
7000 Series - RSSC
9000 Series - BOE Bylaws